Our Sedation Treatment Service

Are you anxious to visit your dentist? You are not alone!

This is called dental anxiety and it’s good to talk about it to your dentist or hygienist when you visit us. Some people developed this fear during their childhood or after an unpleasant experience. In severe cases, fear can even prevent people from going to the dentist until it risks compromising their health. They end up with dental problems that will be much more severe, complex to treat and often more expensive.

Dr. Manoukian and his team are trained to treat patients with dental anxiety with conscious oral sedation. The goal is to relax them during their procedure. The patients are then appeased, in a state of relaxation. However, they are always aware and able to respond to the dentist if necessary. Most of our patients who receive this type of sedation have little or no memory of their treatment.

How will my sedation treatment go?

  1. First, the dentist will take the time to discuss with you to properly assess what makes you anxious. Depending on your needs, he or she can then determine the appropriate doses of medication for the procedure and the duration of your treatment. Conscious oral sedation involves taking a sedative medication in tablet form.
  2. Patients take them once in our clinic. We generally ask you to show up 1 hour before your appointment so that you can take your medication.
  3. Thereafter, you will be comfortably installed in one of our treatment rooms to allow you to rest but above all to relax before the procedure! The effect of sedation will vary from one person to another but generally between 30 min and 1 hour is enough to feel the benefits of it.
  4. Since the sedative will affect your memory and motor skills, a family member or someone you trust will be responsible for accompanying you on the day of your dental procedure and for taking you home afterwards. You will be in good hands with us.

Who can be treated under sedation?

  • Anyone who is easily nauseous or has an uncontrollable pharyngeal reflex
  • If your dental treatment requires a procedure of long duration or of great complexity
  • If you have great dental sensitivity
  • If you suffer from dental anxiety
  • If your physical condition makes you uncomfortable when you are sitting in our dental chair

You will be in good hands with us.