
If you’re dreaming of a whiter smile, you’re not alone! Teeth whitening is a very common procedure. A bright smile can make a big difference for everyone. Like any dental treatment, the decision to undergo whitening requires thought and proper information. Here is a series of useful information that will allow you to learn more about this treatment that brings joy to many.

An important step before your whitening treatment

It’s important that your teeth whitening is done under the supervision of your dentist, regardless of the method you choose. They will first conduct an examination of your mouth to ensure you don’t have cavities, defective restorations, or other dental issues that could compromise your treatment. Your dentist will diagnose the cause of discoloration and inform you about the duration and likelihood of success for your whitening.

What is teeth whitening and the causes of tooth discolouration?

It is a treatment that involves the application of a peroxide gel on the teeth, aiming to remove unwanted discoloration. Indeed, many people struggle with teeth discoloration issues or are not satisfied with the natural color of their enamel. Here are various causes of undesirable teeth discoloration:

  • Natural aging, where the dentin layer beneath the enamel of the tooth gradually darkens with age.
  • Taking certain medications, especially from the tetracycline family.
  • Excessive systemic fluoride intake during childhood.
  • Frequent consumption of coffee, tea, colas, and tobacco products.
  • Enamel malformation in a tooth.
  • Trauma to a tooth following an accident, which can sometimes lead to gradual darkening if the nerve in the tooth dies.
  • A tooth that has undergone root canal treatment often becomes darker and duller.
  • After orthodontic treatment, following the removal of braces.

Therefore, teeth whitening can be a suitable process to eliminate these types of discoloration. However, it is important to note that some tooth discolorations respond better than others to whitening treatment. In such cases, cosmetic treatments like crowns or porcelain veneers may better meet your expectations. Your dentist will advise you accordingly.

Our different types of whitening:

You can discuss with your dentist or hygienist the various ways to whiten your teeth, as well as the effectiveness, risks, benefits, and costs associated with each technique. We can guide and advise you based on your dental condition and your expectations.

At-home whitening using trays molded to your teeth.

Instructions for home whitening

At the first appointment, we will take impressions of your teeth using molds and alginate paste so that our laboratory can make custom-fitted trays for your mouth. This step is easily done and takes little time. A few days later, we will see you again to give you your complete whitening kit and explain the instructions to follow.

  1. Initially, you will try on your trays. You will find them thin, comfortable, and perfectly adapted to your teeth. This is when we will determine if any slight adjustments are needed.
  2. You will place a small amount of peroxide-based gel in these trays. You’ll put a small drop the size of a pea in each space representing the teeth using the syringe and tip provided. We will show you this quick and easy procedure that you will replicate at home every time you whiten your teeth.
  3. Before wearing your trays, brush your teeth and floss to remove bacteria and food that could reduce the effectiveness of the treatment. You just need to wear your trays during the day for 4 consecutive hours or at night according to your preferences and schedule. The peroxide gel is no longer active after 4 hours of use, so there is no problem sleeping all night with them.
  4. After a treatment, brush your teeth with your toothpaste and clean your trays by brushing them with your toothbrush. Dry them well with a paper towel and store them in their container that we provided you with.
  5. Using a color guide designed for teeth, we determine the initial color of your teeth and record it in your file to track the progress of your whitening.
  6. After a week of treatment, our secretary will schedule a small follow-up appointment with you. We will examine your teeth and gums to ensure that everything is progressing well.

Practical tips to remember

You may experience slight tooth sensitivity during your whitening treatment. If so, this will disappear once you have completed your treatment. To prevent these temporary discomforts, we suggest using toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Your dentist can also prescribe a gel with a higher fluoride concentration if needed. If the sensitivity becomes more pronounced, you can stop your treatment for a few days and then continue afterward.

It’s important to remember that the quantity of gel does not guarantee better results; in fact, the opposite is true. If the gel overflows from the trays when placed in your mouth, it indicates too much quantity. This could lead to irritation of mouth tissues and even chemical burns. This results in sharp sensitivity (burning) and a change in color (white instead of pink) in the gums, tongue, and other mouth tissues. Remember, it only takes a small drop of gel in the designated areas of your molds to achieve the desired result. By following our recommendations, your treatment will be much more pleasant and, above all, safe.


  • The procedure to follow is simple and accommodating because you will do the treatment at home according to your schedule and preferences. The whitening effect will occur gradually, so you can decide on the level of whitening that suits you and stop the treatment when you are satisfied with the color obtained.
  • The whitening effect can last for several years by following your dentist’s recommendations. This type of treatment allows you to keep your plastic trays and use them later for touch-ups when necessary. Simply store the peroxide gel syringes in the refrigerator. Teeth whitening with trays is a well-established procedure in cosmetic dentistry. It is a safe treatment that does not damage your teeth.


  • Some people may experience tooth sensitivity during the treatment. This sensitivity will disappear afterward.
  • Whitening with trays requires discipline from patients as the process requires daily treatment to achieve the desired results.
  • Although the results appear quite quickly, they are not immediate.
  • Patients must adhere to a dietary restriction during the treatment. They should minimize the consumption of tea, coffee, cigarettes, and red wine during the treatment.

Our in-chair teeth whitening treatment with the Zoom 2 laser


This is a teeth whitening method that will be performed at our clinic (commonly referred to as in-chair) in a single visit. Our team works with the Zoom 2 whitening system, a scientifically patented whitening system activated by a light source. The complete procedure will take about an hour during which you can watch TV or listen to music.

  1. Once comfortably seated in our chair, we will record the initial color of your teeth in our records using a color guide designed for this purpose. You will then be able to compare the initial color and the final color achieved at the end of the treatment.
  2. We will start your treatment by applying an isolating base on your gums, exposing only your teeth.
  3. Then, we will apply the whitening gel on them and direct the light beam onto the gel to activate the process. This way, the Zoom 2 lamp and the gel will gently act on your teeth, removing stains and discolorations.

Our recommendations for the Zoom 2 whitening treatment.

We recommend avoiding consuming foods that stain teeth, such as coffee, tea, red wine, etc., and refraining from smoking for a period of 48 hours. Also, avoid very cold or hot foods for a period of 24 hours. If you experience sensitivity, your dentist may suggest using an over-the-counter toothpaste for sensitive teeth and/or a concentrated fluoride gel to address the sensitivity.


  • Immediate results appearing in just 1.5 hours instead of a few weeks.
  • A quick intervention for patients with limited availability and busy schedules or special events like a wedding.
  • A shorter period of dietary restriction.


  • Patients with an acute nausea reflex may experience some difficulty during the procedure.
  • This type of whitening involves higher costs compared to at-home whitening.

The use of over-the-counter whitening products.


  • Easy to use
  • Readily available over the counter
  • Low tooth sensitivity during treatment
  • Low cost


  • Limited results, cannot be compared to clinic whitening

  • The fit of the material in your mouth is not precise and not custom-made.

For more information on whitening treatments, we invite you to consult Dr. Manoukian and his team.